About the show:
Design Your Preferred Future! Develop a greater sense of purpose in your personal and business life with advice from Paula Renee and guests.
Upcoming Guests:
Join Phil as he reflects from his book, The Gift of Perspective: Let my hindsight be your foresight. A successful businessman, mentor, author and former CEO, Phil Parker is a time tested veteran of Corporate America. His international experience as Director of European Operations for a systems integration company with its headquarters in West Germany. Phil has enlightened audiences worldwide with his creative insights and unique approach to business and life. Author of Kiss Yourself Hello! From a Life of Business to the Business of Life, and his latest book, Grandpa Does Grandma~The ABCs of Senior Sex. His fourth book entitled: The Magic of US~A Guide to Lasting Intimacy will be released later this year. www.philparker.com
Show Info:
The Gift of Perspective: Let my hindsight be your Foresight w/Author Phil Parker
About the Host:
Paula Renee’s corporate and entrepreneur experiences span over twenty years. Her consultant company, Face2Face Solutions, Inc. provides professional development and consulting, training, and coaching services. As an executive coach, author, now Radio Talk Show Host, she often keynotes and conducts workshops at national international conferences and corporate meetings. Paula also founded Wise Women Speak Foundation, Inc, which builds wealth for women girls and families. Educational pursuits, MBA International Business, Strayer University, Atlanta, Ga., Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing-Mercy College, White Plains, NY, Certificate-JW Fanning School of Leadership at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Ga., and Certification in Entrepreneurship-Yale University School of Management, New Haven, Conn.